Researchers from the Philippines, led by RaahAbishai Alanzalon, have proposed a comprehensive well-being and life management program for individuals who have had near-death experiences. The program aims to support survivors of comas through collaboration with religious and spiritual organizations and community groups to facilitate regular meetings during which these individuals can share their experiences. The program’s duration is expected to be between three months and a year.

Near-death experiences are among the phase states, during which a person might fly through a tunnel towards light, encounter deceased relatives and spiritual beings, and so on. The researchers examined the narratives of seven survivors of clinical death to understand how their experiences influenced their beliefs, value systems, spirituality, religious views, purpose in life, family, relationships, and daily lives.

Although seven individuals constitute too small of a sample size for definitive conclusions to be drawn, the initial findings are inspiring. The authors note that, after their near-death experiences, coma survivors became more responsive, spiritual, purpose-driven, responsible, inclined towards self-discovery, and appreciative of life. They also experienced strengthened family bonds, and their religious perspectives were transformed.

Do you think such a program would be in demand?

The article was published in July 2024 in the International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation.

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