Sandra Reyes is a Colombian actress known for her roles in films such as La Mujer del Presidente (for which she won a best actress award), Pedro, The Scaly, Metástasis. However, she recently became famous for a different reason: she was abducted by aliens and taken aboard a spaceship.

As reported by Z News Service, Sandra shared this unusual experience on a television talk show. Initially, she thought her encounter with a UFO was just a dream, and she was sure no one would believe her: “I thought it was some kind of surreal dream, and I doubted anyone would take me seriously.” She even forgot about her “abduction” until she later stumbled upon a book about extraterrestrial life.

After remembering what happened, Reyes drastically changed her position: “At the time, I couldn’t fully comprehend it, but now I realize that it was indeed real.” She has described the transparent spaceship and a special otherworldly atmosphere. The actress has also told of how she crossed tunnels inside the Earth and other celestial bodies.

Of note, in an experiment conducted at Phase Research Center, 114 volunteers intentionally arranged a meeting with aliens in a lucid dream, which is one of the phase states, along with out-of-body experiences, sleep paralysis, false awakenings, etc. It is reasonable that the actress initially thought her encounter with aliens was a dream. It is quite possible that, like many others, she simply did not recognize the phase.

What is the most unusual experience you have had in the phase state?

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