Health Lucid dreaming Sleep paralysis A Narcoleptic’s View on Lucid Dreams Jan 30, 2021 “People look at me in fear after I tell them what I see in my dreams. Sometimes this look scares…
Lucid dreaming Methods Science Scientists Assess Sleep Fragmentation Technique Jan 28, 2021 The wake-up-back-to-bed technique (WBTB) essentially consists of alternating intervals of wakefulness and sleep. Practitioners set an alarm to wake them…
Health Lucid dreaming Methods Transcranial Stimulation Can Be Dangerous for the Brain Jan 27, 2021 Transcranial stimulation with an electric current is a frequently used tool in scientific research around the world. In particular, it…
Lucid dreaming Phase Science Meditation Influences Phase States Jan 26, 2021 Scientists have repeatedly expressed the opinion that the practice of meditation has a positive effect on the frequency of lucid…
Lucid dreaming Methods Science Do Odors Induce Lucid Dreams? Jan 25, 2021 Scientists have been studying the effects of fragrances on humans for a long time. Odors can improve one’s well-being, change…
Lucid dreaming Other Science Do Lucid Dreams Lead to Personal Growth? Jan 23, 2021 It is generally acknowledged that lucid dreaming facilitates personal growth, including the development of creativity, mindfulness, and self-esteem. However, is…
Dreams Health Lucid dreaming Can Lucid Dreams Cure Psychosis? Jan 21, 2021 Many scholars and writers have described the dream world as a form of psychosis. In a dream, we can see…
Lucid dreaming Methods Science Spinning to Stabilize Lucid Dreams Jan 20, 2021 The spinning technique is often used by practitioners to stabilize phase states such as lucid dreams. As Stephen LaBerge, one…
False awakenings Lucid dreaming Science False Awakenings Lead to Lucid Dreams Jan 13, 2021 Researchers have repeatedly hypothesized that false awakenings accompany lucid dreams. However, up until recently, there was no scientific evidence to…
Dreams Lucid dreaming Other All Phase News in Instagram! Jan 11, 2021 Follow our new channel
Lucid dreaming Other Science Scientists Study Levels of Dream Lucidity Jan 11, 2021 How to distinguish a lucid dream from a non-lucid dream? After all, you can become aware of yourself inside a…
Dreams Lucid dreaming Other Happy New Year, phase practitioners! Dec 31, 2020 The past year has produced a lot of useful research on lucid dreaming, out-of-body experiences, and sleep paralysis. However, there…
Lucid dreaming Other Science Narcoleptics Have High Creativity Quotient Dec 30, 2020 Type 1 narcolepsy (NT1) is a chronic sleep disorder characterized by daytime drowsiness with a rapid transition to REM sleep.…
Lucid dreaming Science Technologies Is VR Effective in Teaching Lucid Dreaming? Dec 29, 2020 Dutch scientists from the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior in Nijmegen have published a new study on lucid…
Lucid dreaming Other Out-of-body experience TikTok Revives Astral Projection in 2020 Dec 28, 2020 This year, we have repeatedly drawn attention to the popularity of travel via lucid dreams due to the lockdowns imposed…
Lucid dreaming Other Technologies A Mask for Lucid Dreaming. The Question Is, What Color? Dec 26, 2020 Jose M. Aponte Urmeneta, a student at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, published a thesis on “Designing a…
Lucid dreaming Movies Other Xbox Releases Lucid Dreams Ad Dec 23, 2020 In early December 2020, Xbox released a series of promotional videos called “Power Your Dreams”. The plot of the ads…
Lucid dreaming Other Sleep Phase Day to Be Celebrated on December 21 Dec 21, 2020 December 21 is not yet on the list of official holidays, but we consider it the most important day of…
Lucid dreaming Methods Science Cognitive Trainings Lead to Lucid Dreams Dec 19, 2020 Cognitive training is used to develop the processes of awareness, attention, and memory. They have also been used successfully in…
Health Lucid dreaming Science Lucid Dreams Provide a Feeling of Freshness in the Morning Dec 18, 2020 We recently talked about whether lucid dreaming is dangerous for the brain. Some researchers believe that awareness during sleep, due…