Near-death-experience Phase Sleep paralysis Do REM Sleep Disturbances Create Near-Death Experiences? Feb 3, 2021 People who have had near-death experiences or who have found themselves teetering on the edge between life and death often…
Health Near-death-experience Out-of-body experience Near-Death Experiences Through the Eyes of Medical Staff Jan 22, 2021 Patients who have undergone clinical death and out-of-body experiences are often afraid to share their stories with others. When discussing…
Movies Near-death-experience Out-of-body experience Netflix Streams Docuseries on Near-Death Experiences Jan 18, 2021 In January 2021, the documentary series “Surviving Death” about life after death became available for streaming on Netflix. Author and…
Art Celebrities Near-death-experience Rapper Releases Video About Out-of-Body Experience Jan 16, 2021 American rap artist Kid Cudi has released a video entitled “Heaven on Earth,” in which the artist goes through an…