Out-of-body experience Phase Science Do Out-of-Body Experiences Improve Memory? Feb 11, 2021 It is generally accepted that emotions strongly affect our memory. On the other hand, emotions represent a sense of oneself…
Near-death-experience Out-of-body experience Science Is It Possible to Recreate a Near-Death Experience Under Hypnosis? Feb 8, 2021 Near-death experiences (NDEs) are of great interest to science, however, the difficulty in studying them lies in the fact that…
Health Near-death-experience Out-of-body experience Near-Death Experiences Through the Eyes of Medical Staff Jan 22, 2021 Patients who have undergone clinical death and out-of-body experiences are often afraid to share their stories with others. When discussing…
Movies Near-death-experience Out-of-body experience Netflix Streams Docuseries on Near-Death Experiences Jan 18, 2021 In January 2021, the documentary series “Surviving Death” about life after death became available for streaming on Netflix. Author and…
Out-of-body experience Phase Science Perception of Time in Out-of-Body Experiences Jan 15, 2021 How does our time perception change during out-of-body experiences? Scientists from the University of Clermont-Auvergne in France have conducted a…
Other Out-of-body experience Religion Does Religion Affect Near-Death Experiences? Jan 12, 2021 It is generally accepted that NDEs are experienced in different ways by people with different cultural and religious views. A…
Lucid dreaming Other Out-of-body experience TikTok Revives Astral Projection in 2020 Dec 28, 2020 This year, we have repeatedly drawn attention to the popularity of travel via lucid dreams due to the lockdowns imposed…
Other Out-of-body experience Religion Scientist Studies Jesus’s Near-Death Experience Dec 24, 2020 Many ancient cultures testify that people in the olden days already had ideas about the afterlife and leaving the body…
Other Out-of-body experience Science Astral Projection Through the Eyes of Scientists Dec 17, 2020 Astral projection is an intentional out-of-body experience that you can control, according to Nathan Chandler, author of a December 2020…
Other Out-of-body experience Science Scientists Introduce a New Scale for Assessing Near-Death Experiences Dec 15, 2020 The first scale for evaluating near-death experiences – the so-called “Greyson scale” – was developed in 1983. To this day,…
Other Out-of-body experience Science Near-Death Experiences Are More Vivid Than Ordinary Memories Dec 8, 2020 Memories of near-death experiences (NDE) are often presented as “more real” than memories of other real or imagined events, scientists…
Other Out-of-body experience Science How are Near-Death Experiences and Out-of-Body Travels Related? Dec 1, 2020 In 1975, Dr. Raymond Moody first mentioned the term “near-death experiences” in publishing reports of 150 patients emerging from comas.…
Health Out-of-body experience Science Out-of-Body Experiences: Fear or Revelation? Nov 19, 2020 How does an out-of-body experience (OBE) affect the people who have had it? Dutch scientist Elpine M. de Boer tried…
Health Out-of-body experience Science Does Ketamine Reveal the Nature of Out-of-Body Experience? Nov 18, 2020 Ketamine is a wide spectrum anesthetic, which in recent years has become an illegal substance in many countries due to…
Health Out-of-body experience Science What Can Near-Death Experiences Tell Us About the Brain? Nov 17, 2020 A man named Kevin nearly died in a motorcycle accident that left him unconscious. As he approached the point of…
Health Out-of-body experience Science Brain Rhythms Leading to Out-of-Body Experience Discovered Nov 2, 2020 Dissociative states are usually described as a feeling of disconnection from reality or an out-of-body experience. Most often, these altered…