Other Phase Sleep paralysis Unusual Visions Among Italians in Sleep Paralysis Jan 14, 2021 Baland Jalal of the University of Cambridge in England has conducted multiple studies on the cultural impact of sleep paralysis…
Health Science Sleep paralysis Is Stress a Cause of Sleep Paralysis? Dec 25, 2020 Isolated sleep paralysis (not associated with a sleep disorder such as narcolepsy) occurs at least once in up to 40%…
Science Sleep Sleep paralysis Is the Brain Dreaming During Sleep Paralysis? Dec 22, 2020 Scientists studying sleep disorders at the Pitié-Salpêtrière University Hospital in Paris have published a new study on sleep paralysis using…
Other Religion Sleep paralysis Sleep Paralysis Is Still Considered a “Spiritual Punishment” in Turkey Dec 11, 2020 Recently, we talked about how culture and mythology influence the perception of sleep paralysis in different countries, often leading to interpretations…
Health Science Sleep paralysis Does Meditation Cure Sleep Paralysis? Dec 2, 2020 The duration of sleep paralysis (muscle atrophy when waking up or falling asleep) can range from a few seconds to…
Celebrities Lucid dreaming Sleep paralysis Famous Journalist Reveals How to Get Rid of a Demon Based on Personal Experience Nov 26, 2020 Men’s Health journalist, Mark Hay, shared his experience in dealing with sleep paralysis, which may be of interest to many…
Other Religion Sleep paralysis How Your Culture Affects Perception of Sleep Paralysis Nov 24, 2020 Those who are unfamiliar with the causes of sleep paralysis (muscle atrophy on the verge of sleep) often describe this…
Health Science Sleep paralysis COVID-19 Quarantine Increased Incidence of Sleep Paralysis in Narcoleptics Nov 21, 2020 In October 2020 the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine published a study in which Brazilian scientists from the Federal University of…
Celebrities Dreams Sleep paralysis Famous Blogger Shared a Story of “Paranormal” Dreams Nov 20, 2020 On Halloween Eve, Singaporean blogger and DJ Jade Rasif posted a series of Instagram stories describing how her family experienced…
Lucid dreaming Science Sleep paralysis Insufficient or Excessive Sleep Leads to Sleep Paralysis and Lucid Dreams Nov 16, 2020 Scientists have found a correlation between sleep duration and lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, and out-of-body experiences (OBE). People who sleep…
Lucid dreaming Science Sleep paralysis Lack of Reality Checks Leads to “Paranormal Activity” Nov 13, 2020 Is the frequency of lucid dreams, nightmares, and sleep paralysis related to deficiencies in reality testing and the dreamer’s paranormal…
Health Science Sleep paralysis Sleep Paralysis Can Be Pleasant Oct 27, 2020 Sleep paralysis is defined as the inability to move due to muscle paralysis during REM sleep or dream phase. This…