Researchers from New Zealand, led by Nicole Lindsay, have discovered a link between several phase states. The authors recruited 312 volunteers, including near-death experience survivors and a control group of people who have never been close to death. The researchers wanted to find out what impact near-death experiences have on dreams.

The results showed that people experience more lucid and vivid dreams, nightmares, and out-of-body experiences after clinical death. They also pay more attention to dreams in general and use them for creative endeavors and problem-solving.

Paradoxically, despite the increased number of nightmares, survivors’ dreams were also generally more positive than the control group’s. Furthermore, the researchers were surprised to find that near-death experiences may cure sleep paralysis, given that such experiences are frequently associated with stress and psychological trauma. From this, the authors concluded that sleep paralysis is unique from lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences.

Have you noticed a connection between phase states?

The article was published in August 2024 in Dreaming.

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