The Anima Mundi gallery of contemporary art in Cornwall, UK, is currently presenting the debut solo exhibition The Compass & The Rosary by artist and musician Luke Hannam. The show runs until May 22, with a parallel exhibition on the Internet.

The artist, who was raised in the Catholic faith and was largely inspired by biblical stories, pays great attention to his dreams and practices lucid dreaming. Since childhood, he has had very vivid and repetitive dreams. “I sort of know what’s going to happen,” Hannam told the online magazine Creative Boom.

He wakes up early and spends the first hours of the morning drawing scenes from dreams. Later, the individual elements are combined in the paintings. Luke describes his work as the result of “ordered chaos”, noting that his brain tries to play with the images that arise. “I can sort of see what the dreams are doing, trying to spin all this stuff around, mix it all up… I draw to sort of stop the water spinning in my mind.”

If successful, the artist’s future plans include an exhibition in West Hollywood.

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