“I saw heaven, and I saw [Elvis] in heaven, and his message was, ‘Tell my family, my friends, and my fans I love them, I’ll see them when they get here.’ And right before I came back, as he was saying that, it was getting dark. I was looking at his face, and I heard another voice that said, ‘No doubt, no fear.’”

This was the account told by author Billy Stanley, the stepbrother of music legend Elvis Presley. According to Faithwire, a few years ago Stanley faced an incident of clinical death, during which he was dead for ten minutes and claims to have visited heaven. “Heaven is not even a good enough word for it, because the first thing you feel is this overwhelming sense of love like you’ve never felt before in your whole life,” he adds.

It is not surprising that at such a moment Stanley saw Elvis: according to him, when he was young, his brother was something like a Sunday school teacher for him. After his recovery, Stanley spent a month and a half in silence and prayer, trying to figure out what to do with the information he received.

Near-death experience (NDE) is one of the phase states, which also include lucid dreams, sleep paralysis, etc. In one of the Phase Research Center experiments, participants intentionally reproduced classic NDE visions through lucid dreams, in particular, flying through a tunnel. Similarly, it is possible to experience a meeting with deceased relatives in a phase state. Stanley could see his brother simply because he had heard many similar stories of what happens when you die and unconsciously expected just such a development of events.

Have you ever met a celebrity in a phase state?

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