Scientists from five countries, led by Mahdad Jafarzadeh Esfahani, conducted an experiment with the ambitious goal of developing an effective and verifiable method for entering lucid dreaming. The team’s work involved the participation of Michelle Carr and Martin Dresler, who are seasoned researchers in this field.

The authors recruited 60 individuals who were familiar with the phenomenon of lucid dreaming to varying degrees. These individuals were guided through a rather complex algorithm involving a number of techniques used by lucid dreamers: dream journaling, cognitive training, sensory stimuli (affecting all senses), and awakenings.

Participants confirmed their lucidity in the lab using the classic method of eye signals. Ultimately, 65% of the volunteers in the Netherlands and 45% in Italy had lucid dreams, as confirmed on record using special devices. As predicted, the effectiveness rate was 100% for those who had already practiced lucid dreaming constantly before the experiment. Moreover, it was around 70% for those who occasionally practiced lucid dreaming and 20-30% for newcomers.

How many lucid dreaming techniques have you tried?

The preprint of the article was published in June 2024 on bioRxiv.

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