The indirect phase method, that is, entering a lucid dream or out-of-body experience immediately upon awakening and without losing consciousness, is one of the most effective phase induction techniques. At the same time, the official academic literature has ignored this technique, despite the fact that it is one of the oldest methods out there: it is even mentioned in the Tibetan “Dream Yoga”.

Michael Raduga from the Phase Research Center decided to correct this significant gap by presenting for the first time a detailed description of the indirect method to the scientific community. In an article published in January 2021 in the International Journal of Dream Research, he talks about a variation of the indirect method that includes the techniques of separating from the body and creating a phase alternate on awakening. The effect is achieved thanks to the hypnopompic hallucinations that we see when we wake up. In the article, to substantiate the effectiveness of the algorithm, the results of face-to-face training in the technique were used: 484 successful attempts by 449 volunteers over two nights.

A brief overview of the algorithm: 1) create an intention when falling asleep; 2) upon subsequent awakenings, try to separate from the body, imagining that you are getting up, levitating, or falling down; 2) if this does not work, try alternating the techniques of creating hypnopompic hallucinations for a minute: picture images in front of your closed eyes; imagine the sensation of swimming, or holding some object in your hand –  if any of this works, you are in a phase state; 4) regardless of the result, fall asleep with the intention of trying again upon the next awakening. One must be prepared for the side effect of lucidity in dreams.

According to the author, Michael Raduga, “the scientific community’s obsession with methods of awareness in dreams is one of the strangest mysteries to me. Entering the unconscious phase is a much more interesting phenomenon. I am glad that I finally managed to make it accessible not only for ordinary practitioners, but also for the academic environment. The indirect method is likely to prove very popular in many future studies. But there is also very little awareness of the direct method in the scientific community. We are currently working on fixing this… ”

Incredibly, science has only paid attention to the popular phase induction methods. How many years ahead of the scientists are you?

The study was published in January 2021 in the International Journal of Dream Research.

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