Michael Raduga is a leading researcher of phase states, the author of 16 books, the founder of the Phase School and the Phase Research Center, an expert on the TV show Inexplicable, yet Fact and the creator of the term “phase” itself, which is used to describe a number of phenomena that occur when the brain switches to a state of awareness in the REM sleep phase. This includes lucid dreams, false awakenings, sleep paralysis, as well as out-of-body and near-death experiences. Raduga’s work has been translated into 25 languages.

Born on July 1, 1983 in Novosibirsk’s Akademgorodok (Russia, Siberian scientific center), Michael had his first out-of-body experience at school. By the age of 20 he found a way to enter the phase almost every day. His “indirect method” was officially presented to the scientific community on April 15, 2021 in the International Journal of Dream Research. Raduga’s articles have been also published in other international academic journals, such as Sleep Science, Sleep Medicine, Medical Hypotheses, and Dreaming.

In the course of his research, Raduga has led a series of experiments that were conducted in Russia, the CIS, and abroad. For example, in Los Angeles, groups of volunteers repeatedly reproduced scenarios of “alien abductions” and “near-death experiences,” including a flight through a tunnel in the phase state. Over the past year, Michael has conducted research on the capacities of lucid dreamers to provoke and control flight in the phase state, developed a system for registering LDs with one sensor, studied the effects of excess and insufficient sleep on the probability of spontaneous phase experiences, released the LUNA mask (designed for four methods of entering the phase), and then its improved version—LUNA 2.

In June, Raduga published the results of an experiment conducted a year ago, in which the first phrase communicated from within a lucid dream was registered. That is, it is now possible to communicate with lucid dreamers with words, rather than just “yes/no” signals. By the end of 2021, thanks to the Phase Research Center (REMspace), Russia was tied for first place with the USA in terms of the number of studies on LD.

A more detailed biography of Michael Raduga is available on the website of the Phase School.

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