Australian researchers Bonamino, Watling, and Polman have explored lucid dreaming among adolescents. Though they previously focused on in-dream sports training, they have expanded the scope of their work to include learning and mental well-being. In a recent work, they conducted in-depth interviews with nine adolescent lucid dreamers.

In their lucid dreams, these individuals not only developed athletic skills but also resolved emotional conflicts, prepared for challenging real-life situations, and simply had fun. For most, lucid dreaming became a safe space to try new and risky things without consequences. The dream world provides a sense of freedom and extraordinary opportunities, removes inhibitions, creates positive emotions, and distracts from the problems of reality.

The authors note that it’s not necessary to be a seasoned lucid dreamer to benefit from these experiences. Lucid dreaming is a valuable tool even for beginners and those who cannot fully control the narrative of a dream. Particularly for adolescents, lucid dreaming can promote development, self-understanding, and inner harmony.

What is the most unusual and risky thing you have tried in a lucid dream?

The article was published in October 2024 in Dreaming.

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