Brian Sharpless is a clinical psychologist and author from the US. His particular subject of interest is sleep disorders and sleep paralysis (SP). As the researcher says, SP is a terrifying phenomenon that has played an important role in many supernatural and folklore beliefs. At the same time, SP is very common – especially among students and patients with psychiatric diseases.

Sharpless has devoted more than a dozen publications to this topic. Among other things, he wrote a guide for medical practitioners. Sleep paralysis is a recognized disorder of sleep and wakefulness, but it is not widely known to specialists who work in fields unrelated to sleep. Often patients are unwilling to disclose episodes of SP due to embarrassment: they see hallucinations and think they are going crazy.

Sharpless gives some practical advice for the prevention of sleep paralysis:

– avoiding alcohol and caffeine before going to bed
– going to bed and waking up every day at the same time
– sleeping on your side (sleeping on your back or stomach makes SP more likely)
– meditation
– awareness exercises

The researcher previously investigated the possibility of experiencing pleasant cases of sleep paralysis, noting that the ability to lucid dream makes it more likely. However, last year, he continued to search for a cure for sleep paralysis. The advice remains the same for now. But if a person is already paralyzed and sees a demon, they should focus on positive thoughts and their breath. Sharpless’s treatment scheme has been implemented in the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine.

What do you do if you find yourself in sleep paralysis?

The researcher’s works can be found on his Google Scholar page.

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