“When Dan Collins wakes to finds his life hanging by a thread, he must use his astral projection to discover who tried to kill him.” This is the beginning of an AfterShock comic called Out of Body. The series was created by writer Peter Milligan, artist Inaki Miranda, colorist Eva De La Cruz. and letterer Sal Cipriano.

Our protagonist, Dan, wakes up and discovers that he was attacked and left for dead. Now he is in a kind of vegetative state, his life supported by machines. He cannot move or speak, but he has to find out somehow who tried to kill him before his life support is turned off.

As Peter Milligan explained, he always wanted to write a story about astral projection. He himself had once tried to venture into the astral plane. As the author adds, “the hero of Out Of Body has more success with leaving his corporeal body behind than I ever did!”

Outside of the astral theme, the plot resembles an ordinary detective story with a murder mystery investigation. Except for the fact that the victim himself is investigating his own murder. The final issue containing the long-awaited denouement is expected on October 27. The authors promise a shocking ending with other characters joining Dan on the astral plane.

Issues of the comic are available on the AfterShock website.

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