Leah Larwood is a poet, writer, and gestalt therapist from the UK. She has been published numerous times in literary journals, and her poems have won prestigious poetry competitions. She has also been a practitioner of lucid dreaming since her teenage years, and her experience with lucid dreaming influences her work. Her writing is deeply infused with explorations of dreams and the unconscious mind.

Following her victory in yet another literary competition, Larwood released a poetry collection titled Oneironaut (to be released on October 25, 2024). She employed lucid dreaming techniques when writing the book: it begins with an immersion into hypnagogic hallucinations, then progresses through vivid dreams, nightmares, insomnia, and lucid dreams before concluding with hypnopompic hallucinations leading to waking in reality.

Leah drew inspiration from her own lucid dreams. In Your Area quotes her as saying, “Our dreams are evocative and mysterious little messages that can sometimes be ignored. This poetry collection honours our dreaming world and gives the unconscious mind a voice. It’s even possible to come up with ideas for poems, stories and other creative pursuits in a lucid dream, and some of these poems have been inspired by such scenarios.”

Do you engage in creative pursuits within your lucid dreams?

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