The number of publications on the topic of near-death experience (NDE) is quite large. In addition, non-profit organizations such as the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) and the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF), which has already collected a large collection of NDE stories, are engaged in this type of research.

However, scientific discussions on this topic often come into conflict with other positions: for example, those of religious or esoteric thinkers. German researchers Gripentrog-Schedel, Kugele, and Popkes have decided to combine all aspects of this phenomenon in their newly edited book Grenzarbeiten auf der Nulllinie.

Dedicated to subject of near-death experiences, the book does not propose original research, but presents a comprehensive analysis of existing scientific works on the topic of NDE from the point of view of neurobiology, psychology, philosophy, religious studies, and cultural studies. It should be added that the general perspective of the book is philosophical. Considering the topic from different angles, the authors try to answer the question of what is a NDE?

Another debatable problem is the relationship of the body and consciousness. Some evidence of NDEs suggests the possibility of the existence of human consciousness independently of the body. Neurophysiological and psychological approaches often interpret NDEs as forms of hallucinations, illusions, dreams or intoxication states. In an attempt to strike a balance, the authors add that NDE stories, more than any other topic, can challenge established scientific concepts.

How would you formulate the definition of near-death experience?

The book was published in September 2022 on the website of Kiel University.

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