How to distinguish a lucid dream from a non-lucid dream? After all, you can become aware of yourself inside a dream with varying levels of lucidity. Scientists led by Remington Mallett have teamed up to study the range of awareness in lucid dreams. Based on previous studies on this subject, they ranked lucidity on a scale from 0 to 4. This range is most often used to assess the depth of clarity of awareness.

Lucidity levels can vary greatly, often within the same dream. For example, you might dream that you came home only to remember that you don’t have the keys. You then create a set of keys in your hand with which to open the door. But why do you need keys to open the door in a dream? Can we call it a truly lucid dream if we keep following the logic of the dream? In such semi-lucid dreams, people may question the nature of the dream, but not always control it.

The lack of awareness stability or control in lucid dreams are the main factors indicating a low level of a lucidity. At the same time, these criteria improve with experience. What previously appeared to be clear awareness will gradually become a low-level of lucidity for an experienced phase practitioner. According to scientists, the instability of this indicator and its fluctuating characteristics raise questions in determining what constitutes lucid dreams.

How do you rate your level of dream lucidity? 0 – I am not aware of myself in dreams. 1 – I barely aware of myself in dreams, the sensation is fleeting. 2 – I realize that it’s a dream, but I cannot control it. 3 – I am confidently aware of myself in dreams. 4 – I can hold the focus of awareness for a long time and control the plot of the dream.

The study was published in September 2020.

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