Daniel Erlacher, a prominent researcher in lucid dreaming from Switzerland, has published the book Sport and Sleep where he discusses the importance of sleep for athletes. The author notes that sports is an interdisciplinary field studied by doctors, biologists, and psychologists. Among other things, the scientist devotes several pages to lucid dreaming, stating that they can be controlled to, for example, change the plot of a nightmare or practice physical skills.

Performing movements mentally is a form of cognitive training and simulation. Athletes can systematically repeat the actions they need to learn (e.g., wrestling techniques, dance steps, and jumps) with the dream body. As they practice the sequence of movements while dreaming, the accuracy of their execution increases at the cognitive level.

Although this differs from traditional training, various experiments and surveys show that such methods improve athletic performance in reality. As the author adds, though movements in a dream are a simulation, the results are very promising.

Have you ever improved your physical performance through lucid dreaming?

The book was published in June 2024 and is available on the publisher’s website.

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