People who manage to get into a lucid dream (LD) get a unique opportunity to practice various skills, while the results are translated to reality. For example, LD can be used for development in the field of sports. There have already been a lot of studies on this topic. Authors from Australia—Bonamino, Watling, and Polman—conducted an analysis of this body of research.

The scientists reviewed seven studies on the development of skills in LD. They wanted to summarize the existing data on the effectiveness of lucid dreaming practice. How much does it really affect waking abilities?

As the analysis showed, training in LD improves the performance of various motor tasks in reality by about one and a half times. That being said, lucid dreamers need to be aware of the fact that perception may sometimes be distorted, and there are plenty of distractions in the dream space that can impact their training negatively. This can have adverse effects on subsequent work.

Do you have any experience practicing skills in lucid dreams?

The article was published in July 2022 in the journal Dreaming.

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