There are a lot of videos on the Internet that clearly demonstrate phase states—lucid dreams (LD), sleep paralysis (SP), out-of-body and near-death experiences, etc. They help to present images that exist only in the mind of a particular person, and for beginners, to learn LD techniques.

The young American YouTuber Steal Adcock has been creating phase state stimulations on his HandintheBoxInc channel for several years. He already has several videos dedicated to lucid dreams, sleep paralysis, and lucid nightmares. In one of the videos, the YouTuber also asks whether SP is an astral projection or just a dream, and how these states are related to out-of-body experiences.

The videos represent a first-person view, which in the case of sleep paralysis turns into something like a short horror film. For example, we find ourselves in bed, looking up at a ceiling fan. Nothing unusual so far, yet suddenly a dark shadow appears. Not to worry thought, it turns out to be a cat. However, next thing we know, the fan is distorted and twisted into a fiery vortex, and finally, the terrifying face of a sleep paralysis demon appears in the air.

The videos dedicated to lucid dreams depict content that might seem familiar from ordinary dreams, including a healthy dose of absurdities (such as the sudden appearance of bread on a plate or the transformation of a toy gun into an ordinary gun that shoots flowers and sparklers). Nevertheless, they are filled with hints that will be instantly familiar to LD practitioners: the dreamer sees his own hand with a bracelet bearing the inscription “Am I dreaming?”, picks up a piece of paper with the words “Lucid dream”, turns on an old computer where he reads news about LD, etc.

How much do such simulations resemble your experience of phase states?

The videos are available on Steal Adcock’s YouTube channel.

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