The effects of various substances (B vitamins, antidepressants, galantamine) on the frequency of lucid dreams (LD) have been studied more than once by researchers. The German author Josua Biehl went a little further and analyzed a wider range of products and their impact on dreams.

By reaching out to specialized groups and forums, the researcher found 436 volunteers interested in the subject of dreams, including lucid dreams. The participants filled out a detailed questionnaire composed of questions about nutrition and sleep. Based on the statistical results, the author determined the foods usually consumed by those who experience frequent LD, sleep paralysis, nightmares, and pleasant or surreal dreams.

The main products that stimulate LD were found to be fruit and fish: fruit, probably due to the abundance of vitamins, and fish, probably because it contains Omega-3 fatty acids. Both foods are important for maintaining mental abilities and remembering dreams. However, the author found no connection between the use of vitamin supplements and dreams.

Some antidepressants appeared to increase the frequency of LD, but also the frequency of nightmares. The question of the influence of alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine remains controversial. Smokers are less likely to remember dreams and experience nightmares more often, while alcohol (theoretically) suppresses the REM sleep phase. However, their effect, as well as that of caffeine, remains unproven.

The influence of various substances on sleep paralysis (which, together with lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences, is one of the phase states) remains in question. Presumably, alcohol and smoking stimulate it, while sweet foods reduce the risk. But more detailed research is needed to confirm this hypothesis.

Does your diet promote lucid dreams?

The article was published in June 2022 in the International Journal of Dream Research.

Drugs and plants may have side effects and should only be used in consultation with a doctor. This article does not call for independent experiments.

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