REMspace launches LucidMe, the first social media platform exclusively for sharing dreams, including lucid dreams, sleep paralysis experiences, false awakenings, and nightmares. The platform aims to create a community where users can connect over their dream experiences, share insights and explore the fascinating world of dreams together.

The LucidMe platform uses AI to decode dreams from various perspectives and to transform users’ dreams into visual representations, making dream journals more engaging and easier to share with their followers. The platform helps facilitate the practice of lucid dreaming; the more you write, engage and share about lucid dreaming, the more likely you are to have one.

Approximately 30% of people experience sleep paralysis. LucidMe creates a supportive environment for sharing what could be an unsettling experience. Furthermore, users can track and analyze their dream patterns toward a deeper understanding of their subconscious mind. “By creating a dedicated social media platform for dreamers, we’re fostering a global community where people can share their experiences and insights, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of the human mind,” said Michael Raduga, CEO and founder of REMspace.

Do you keep a dream journal?

The LucidMe social media platform is available for download from the Apple and Google stores.

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