December 21 is not yet on the list of official holidays, but we consider it the most important day of the year for all those who practice the various phase states, because tonight is the longest night of the year for the inhabitants of the Northern Hemisphere. The effect will last for several more nights.

The winter solstice is celebrated by almost all the cultures around the world. For example, in China, the Dongzhi festival is held to celebrate the birth of a new cycle. In ancient Greece, it was believed that on this day the god of the underworld, Hades, climbed up to Olympus to show his face. And in Russia it is the day that marks the national holiday Kolyada.

As we know, long sleep is the key to an effective lucid dreaming experience and the success of your practice. So, this night, while falling asleep, be sure to remember your goals in the phase, read the experience of other phasers for programming the subconscious, and dive into a parallel world!

We wish you successful lucid dreams, out-of-body experiences, and other phase states tonight and in the upcoming nights! Be sure to congratulate your fellow practitioners on this holiday!

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