Matthew Hauri, an American rapper better known by his creative pseudonym Yung Gravy, first received recognition in 2017, when his song “Mr. Clean” became a hit. However, music is not his only hobby.

According to KIIS FM, together with a school friend, Matthew decided to master lucid dreaming (LD). And he succeeded: “I got pretty good at lucid dreaming and ended up doing it a lot,” the musician shared, adding that he can control his dreams.

However, the friend in question was not quite so lucky: “He somehow ended up getting sleep paralysis from it and every night he would wake up on his stomach and know it was that moment where a closet door would open, and something would start crawling towards him,” the rapper said. His friend would describe frequent appearances of a sinister creature that would manifest itself while he himself lay helpless and immobile.

The musician also shared his exercises for lucidity in a dream. His favorite techniques are keeping a dream diary and reality checking (“you pinch yourself every 30-minutes”).

Have you ever gotten into another phase state (sleep paralysis, out-of-body experience, false awakening) in an attempt to get into LD?

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